The Kitsap Peninsula is an incredible place to call home! Finding a perfect home in real estate means that its location fits with your current lifestyle. Is it close to your work? Is it close to where you like to play? Is it near friends, family and hobbies? These are the basic requirements. As usual location, location, location. It is the number one priority when selecting a new home. Bottom line, if it doesn't feel like the right location for you, keep moving.
A close second to location in your list of requirements should be price. Your budget is ultimately a major factor and determining the exact amount makes searching much easier. I encourage clients to push themselves here as much as they feel comfortable with because after all the longer you stay in a property the better chance you have a making a larger profit. Knowing your location and budget makes the rest of the buying process much easier.
In today's market, especially here in the Seattle area, you will be hard-pressed to find a property under-priced. So instead of focusing on that aspect of value make a list of what aspects of homes will add value to your daily life. Perhaps it's a large flat grassy area to kick a ball with your kids or a chef kitchen to make special meals in. The point is, make your value list and keep it with you when looking at homes. Prioritize the list because chances are the homes your look at will NOT have all the items you hoped. This leads me to my next tip...
What does the home currently missing that would add value to you? Is it something that is you can easily incorporate to add to the homes value? Having the possibility to improve a homes usefulness or its aesthetics to increase the homes financial value is always a positive. So even if it's not the "perfect home" now having the potential to make it that way in the future is a huge asset and should be considered in the buying process.